Silver Tassie Scottish Dance Club
We welcome everybody to Silver Tassie Club for the Scottish Dance regular classes at any age and with any prior dance experience or none! Our group classes and events are open to join in.
If you want to learn to dance merry Scottish Dances at ceilidh parties and concerts, to participate in balls and dance events; if you want to travel and meet fellow dancers in Russia and all over the world; if you want to spend time joyfully in a good company, to know more about Scottish culture, and to simply try something new – please, come and join us!
- dance social dances (SCD, Ceilidh) and solo dances (Highland, National, Scottish Step),
- take part in cultural events in Perm, other cities of Russia and abroad,
- organise demonstration performances, workshops, balls and parties,
- spend joyful and interesting time together, and invite you to join us!
- Phones: +7-919-706-22-75 (Maria); +7-909-10-44-058 (Anastasiya); +7-908-24-16-843 (Nadezhda)
- E-mail:
SCD – Tuesday, Saturday
Solo dancing - Saturday, Sunday
Perm State University, 10 Bukireva st., Perm, Russia, 614000
The timetable is subject to change, please contact the group teachers via the email for updates.